Tag Archives: Ace

Friends, Conferences, and Community

Last September was pretty special for me because had some opportunity to meet friends again after COVID/Pandemic situation.


First, POUG is POUG. There is no way to describe what it is if you were never there. I had the opportunity to be there talking about ExaCC. The whole conference is amazing, not just because of the technical content (that is surreal), but also because of the friends that were/are there. Everyone that was there was enjoying the conference, but most important, enjoying being there with friends.

For POUG I need to say thank you to Kamil Stawiarski (https://twitter.com/ora600pl) and Luiza Nowak (https://www.ora-600.pl/en/tp/luiza-koziel-2/) for organizing the event. You, together with the whole POUG team, made one fantastic conference.

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