Category Archives: Data Guard

Oracle Data Guard e assuntos relacionados.

21c, DG PDB, New Steps

When the DGPDB was released for 21c (at version 21.7) I wrote a blog post about how to use the feature (you can read it here). This was in August of 2022 and since that time, we got small changes and corrections, but with the update 21.12 (patch 35740258) we got new commands like “EDIT CONFIGURATION PREPARE DGPDB”.

Not just that, but Ludovico Caldara (Data Guard PM) recently wrote one blog post about new commands for Data Guard preparation that can be used with Broker. Is an evolution of the commands I covered in one previous blog post.

So, in this post, I will cover the new commands for DG PDB and the changes/improvements that appeared in the last version. It is a long post, but everything is covered here. No gaps or information are missing, all the steps, logs, and outputs are described and documented.

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21c, DG PDB

Since the 21c was public available the Data Guard per Pluggable Database – DG PDB – was intended to be there, but Oracle needed more time to make things work and some weeks ago released the feature with the 21.7 version. Here in this post, I will show to configure it and also how to troubleshoot, and the pitfalls of using it. As usual, all the steps, logs, and outputs are covered here and I hope that it helps you understand the whole DG PDB process.

My environment

The environment that I am using here is:

  • Two databases running in RAC mode (two nodes in each cluster).
  • ASM: same DATA and RECO diskgroups names in each cluster.

About the databases I have:

  • ORADBDC1, that have the pdb PDBDC1. So, they represent the DC1.
  • ORADBDC2, that have the pdb PDBDC2. So, they represent the DC2.

Each of these clusters is in a separate environment, this means that both are primary databases inside each datacenter. So, they have no DG configured between them.

The main target for this post is to have the pdb from DC2 protected by the ORADBDC1 at the DC1. I used RAC and ASM because this is usually the normal configuration for the MAA (following the recommended architectures baseline) when using DG. This increases the protection and reduces the SPOF of your environment.


The idea of DG PDB differs a little from what we see commonly for Data Guard, here each container have own life. This means that only the pdb is protected and not the entire cdb. This puts the DG PDB close to Cloud than On-Prem because it fit perfectly at the OCI structure since you can create your pdb in one region and choose another region to protect it. And even closer if you think for Autonomous Database that your ownership is pdb only. I will not say that is good or not, but is linked to how Oracle works with OCI. Personally, I prefer to have normal DG configured to protect my databases and I choose where I want to open my pdb (maybe they add this feature in the future).

Another detail is that DG PDG (from now) works only in MaxPerformance mode, so, there is no SYNC mode for the archive destinations. There are more limitations for the DG PDB and you can check it in the topic DG PDB Configuration Restrictions from official documentation (I recommend that you read it).

Please read my new blog post about the new changes to the process. You can see how the process evolved and it is better. Read it here. 

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Oracle Engineered Systems since 2010

Recently I made a tweet about a new project with Oracle Engineered System (X9M) that remembered me about what I made with these systems until now. So, this opened the opportunity to tell my background and history until now working with these systems. Is not a show-off of ego boost post.


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The new Oracle 21c delivered a new feature for Data Guard Broker called VALIDATE FAST_START FAILOVER. As you can imagine, helps you do validate your configuration and you can check some information at the official doc.


The syntax is simple and has no parameters. Just VALIDATE FAST_START FAILOVER:

DGMGRL> help validate

Performs an exhaustive set of validations for a member


  VALIDATE DATABASE [VERBOSE] <database name>;

  VALIDATE DATABASE [VERBOSE] <database name> DATAFILE <datafile number>
    OUTPUT=<file name>;


    [ <strict option> ... <strict option> ];

  VALIDATE FAR_SYNC [VERBOSE] <far_sync name>
    [WHEN PRIMARY IS <database name>];





And can be used even with FAST_TART failover disabled:

  Fast-Start Failover:   Disabled
  Protection Mode:      MaxAvailability
  Primary:              ora21dg

Fast-start failover not possible:
  Fast-start failover is disabled.

Other issues:
  Fast-start failover threshold may be too low for RAC databases.

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With the release of Oracle 21c is time for us to start to check the new features. Besides 21c is an innovative release, it shows what we will use in the future in daily activities. For Data Guard and Broker one new feature is the PREPARE DATABASE FOR DATA GUARD that adjusts the database and some parameters to become primary. Release notes can be checked here.

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ZDLRA + MAA, Protection for Platinum Architecture

The Platinum architecture is the last defined at MAA references and is the highest level of protection that you can achieve for MAA. It goes beyond the Gold protection (that I explained in my previous post) and you can have application continuity even version upgrade for your database.

The image above was taken from

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ZDLRA + MAA, Protection for Gold Architecture

The Gold architecture for MAA is used to emphasis the application continuity. All the possible outages (planned or no) are protected by Oracle features. Here we are one step further and start to design using multi-site architecture. Data Guard, RAC, Oracle Clusterware, everything is there. But even with these, ZDLRA is still needed to allow complete protection.

The image above taken from

With the MAA references, we have the blueprints and highlights how to protect them since the standalone/single instance until the multiple site database. But for Gold we are beyond RPO and RTO, they are important but application continuity and data continuity join to complete the whole picture.

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ZDLRA + MAA, Protection for Silver Architecture

The MAA defined Silver architecture for database environments that use (or need) high availability to survive for outages. The idea is having more than one single instance running, and to do that, it relies on Oracle Clusterware and Engineered Systems to mitigate the single point of failure. But is not just a database that gains with this, the Silver architecture is the first step to have application continuity. And again, ZDLRA is there since the beginning.

As you can see above, the Silver by MAA blueprints improves compared with Bronze architecture that I spoke at the last post. But the basic points are there: RPO and RTO. They continue to base rule here. And the goals are the same: Data Availability, Data Protection, Performance (no impact), Cost (lower cost), and Risk (reduce). More technical details here at the MAA Overview doc.

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ZDLRA + MAA, Protection for Bronze Architecture

Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) means more than just Data Guard or Golden Gate to survive outages, is related to data protection, data availability, and application continuity. MAA defines four reference architectures that can be used to guide during the deploy/design of your environment, and ZDLRA is there for all architectures.

Image above taken from

With the MAA references, we have the blueprints and highlights how to protect them since the standalone/single instance until the multiple site database. The MAA goal is to survive an outage but also sustain: Data Availability, Data Protection, Performance (no impact), Cost (lower cost), and Risk (reduce).

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MAA, Blueprints and On-Premise Architecture Reference

The Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) is the correct way to protect your Oracle database environment (and investment). It covers from a simple single instance to Exadata/Engineered Systems RAC and a multi-site database with Data Guard protection. But do you know that to reach the MAA (whatever the architecture level that you are protecting) you need to use ZDLRA?

So, I will start a series of posts to cover the MAA and ZDLRA. Discussing what you need to do (and how) to reach the maximum level of availability as is at the MAA architecture (as defined in the documentation and best practices: Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) Blueprints for On-PremisesMAA Best Practices – Oracle Database, and Maximum Availability with Oracle Database 19c).


The question is why ZDLRA is needed? The point from ZDLRA is that it can (and needed to be used) to protect and reach zero RPO to all architectures. ZDLRA is more (much more) than just a backup appliance, is the core of every MAA design. You can’t reach zero RPO without using it.

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